Top 10 API Security Vulnerabilities: Essential Guide for Developers

by | Jul 24, 2024

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APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are pivotal in modern software development, enabling applications to interact seamlessly. However, their widespread use also makes them a prime target for cyber-attacks. 

Understanding the common vulnerabilities can help organizations and security professionals implement more effective defenses. 

This blog outlines the top API security vulnerabilities, providing insights for IT security professionals looking to fortify their systems.

Also read Tips for API Security Assessment in 2024

10 API Security Vulnerabilities 

Broken Object Level Authorization

Often abbreviated as BOLA, broken object level authorization is one of the most critical API security risks. It occurs when APIs fail to adequately secure objects that users can access, allowing attackers to manipulate these references to access unauthorized data.

Broken Authentication

APIs that improperly implement user authentication can allow attackers to assume the identity of other users. Common issues include insufficient validation of authentication tokens and flaws in token generation and handling processes.

Also read our Comprehensive Guide to What is REST API Security

Excessive Data Exposure

APIs often expose more data than necessary, trusting clients to perform data filtering before displaying it to users. This practice can lead to sensitive data leaks if attackers intercept the data or if the client fails to secure it properly.

Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting

Without proper restrictions on the amount of data a user or service can request, APIs can be vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks, or system resources can be overwhelmed, leading to service degradation or system crashes.

Also read Ensuring API Security with OAuth 2.0

Injection Flaws

Injection flaws, such as SQL, NoSQL, Command Injection, or others, occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. Attackers can exploit vulnerable APIs to execute unintended commands or access unauthorized data.

Improper Assets Management

APIs that are outdated, improperly documented, or misconfigured can pose serious security risks. This includes exposed debug interfaces, outdated API versions still in operation, and exposed sensitive information through metadata.

Also read API Gateway Security Best Practices for 2024

Insufficient Logging & Monitoring

Insufficient logging and monitoring increase the time to detect security breaches. Effective monitoring and logging can alert organizations to unauthorized attempts to access APIs, allowing for quick countermeasures.

Security Misconfiguration

This broad category can include various misconfigurations such as improper HTTP headers, open cloud storage, verbose error messages containing sensitive information, or misconfigured HTTP methods.

Also read Best API Security Books in 2024

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

In APIs, XSS can be introduced when unescaped data is included in HTML, JavaScript, or other content generated by servers. This vulnerability can lead to the execution of malicious scripts in the user’s browser, compromising user interactions.

Insecure Deserialization

Insecure deserialization can lead to remote code execution, replay attacks, or injection attacks. It occurs when untrusted data is used to abuse the logic of an application, causing unintended behavior.

Also read API Security Best Practices to Follow


Awareness and understanding of these top API security vulnerabilities are the first steps toward securing your APIs against potential threats. Regular security audits, adherence to API security best practices, and continuous education through courses like the Certified API Security Professional Certification by Practical DevSecOps can greatly enhance an organization’s defense mechanisms.

Strengthen your API security by enrolling in the Certified API Security Professional Certification. Gain the expertise to identify, assess, and mitigate API vulnerabilities with Practical DevSecOps, ensuring robust security protocols and safeguarding your applications against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Also read and Download our API Security Fundamentals E-Book


What are vulnerabilities in APIs? 

Vulnerabilities in APIs are security weaknesses that can be exploited to compromise the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of the API or the data it handles. Common examples include insufficient input validation, broken authentication, and insecure data exposure.

How do I scan APIs for vulnerabilities? 

To scan APIs for vulnerabilities, you can use automated tools such as OWASP ZAP, Postman with its security scans, or specialized API security platforms like Apigee or Burp Suite. These tools help test API endpoints against common vulnerabilities and improper configurations.

What is API breaches? 

API breaches refer to security incidents where unauthorized parties exploit vulnerabilities in APIs to gain access to sensitive data, manipulate data, or disrupt services. Such breaches often result from insecure API endpoints, flawed authentication mechanisms, or insufficient encryption.

What are the security risks of APIs? 

Security risks of APIs include:

  • Exposure of Sensitive Data: APIs that improperly handle data can expose personal or financial information.
  • Broken Authentication: Flawed or weak authentication mechanisms can allow unauthorized access.
  • Injection Attacks: SQL injection or other injection flaws can occur if inputs are not properly sanitized.
  • Misconfiguration: Inadequate security configurations can expose APIs to unauthorized access or data leaks.

What are the possible attacks on APIs?

Possible attacks on APIs include:

  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: Interception of data in transit.
  • Injection Attacks: Such as SQL, NoSQL, or command injection.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): Overloading the API with requests to disrupt service.
  • Credential Stuffing: Using stolen account credentials to gain unauthorized access.

What are the common examples of API attacks? 

Common examples of API attacks include:

  • Credential Stuffing: Using breached usernames and passwords to access APIs.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Injecting malicious scripts through APIs that are reflected on web pages.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Tricking a user’s browser into making unwanted requests to an API.

What is the most difficult API Vulnerability to uncover? 

The most difficult API vulnerability to uncover often involves complex authentication and authorization issues, such as flaws in token-based authentication mechanisms like JWT (JSON Web Tokens). These vulnerabilities can be hard to detect because they require understanding the specific implementation and security measures of the API.

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Meet The Author

Varun Kumar

Varun Kumar

Varun is a content specialist known for his deep understanding of DevSecOps, digital transformation, and product security. His expertise shines through in his ability to demystify complex topics, making them accessible and engaging. Through his well-researched blogs, Varun provides valuable insights and knowledge to DevSecOps and security professionals, helping them navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape. 


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