Practical DevSecOps Digital Badges for Certification Achievers
Stand out among your security peers
Get Your Digital Victory Badge
Power up your online profile with our Certification badges. Get noticed by elite companies seeking your skills.
Certified DevSecOps Professional (CDP)
Certified AI Security Professional (CAISP)
Certified DevSecOps Expert (CDE)
Certified Container Security Expert (CCSE)
Certified Cloud Native Security Expert (CCNSE)
Certified Threat Modeling Professional (CTMP)
Certified API Security Professional (CASP)
Certified Software Supply Chain Security Expert (CSSE)
Certified Security Champion (CSC)
How do you claim and showcase your digital badge for maximum impact?
Check your Email
Log into Credly
Claim your badge
Follow Credly’s instructions to claim your digital badge.
Share your achievement
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What is a digital badge?
Why do I need a digital badge?
A digital badge lets you showcase your skills and achievements online, making it easy for employers and peers to verify your expertise.
When will I receive my badge?
You will receive your badge shortly after successfully completing your course or certification exam.
How is my credential displayed as an open badge?
Your badge is displayed as an open badge through Credly, a platform that makes your achievement verifiable and shareable across digital platforms.
Who is Credly?
Credly is a platform that issues, verifies, and manages digital badges for certifications and skills.
What is the connection between Practical DevSecOps and Credly?
Practical DevSecOps partners with Credly to issue and manage digital badges for their certifications.
What if I don’t want my credentials to be public?
You can choose to keep your badge private in your Credly account settings.
How is my badge protected from being copied or misused?
Each badge is unique and linked to your verified credentials, making it impossible for others to copy or misuse it.
Can I add open badges to my resume or LinkedIn profile?
Yes, you can easily include your badge on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional platforms.
Why isn’t my badge displaying correctly on my screen?
This might be a browser issue. Try clearing your cache or switching to another browser.
Who should I contact if I have issues with my Practical DevSecOps badge?
For any badge issues, contact Practical DevSecOps support or Credly directly for help.
What are the guidelines for using Credly badges?
Start your journey today and upgrade your security career
Gain advanced security skills through our certification courses. Upskill today and get certified to become the top 1% of cybersecurity engineers in the industry.